Graphical Station List

Links Station Name ID Last
Air Temperature Dewpoint Relative Humidity Average Wind Wind Gust One-Hour Precipitation Precipitation Situation
graphs historical summary I-5 : 1.9 Miles South of SR-269 D06-24 12/21/2024
08:15 AM
graphs historical summary I-5 : 3.5 Miles South of SR-198 D06-11 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary I-5 : Grapevine D06-12 12/21/2024
08:17 AM
graphs historical summary I-5 : Milham Avenue D06-10 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary I-5 : North of Panoche Road D06-15 11/27/2024
11:03 PM
graphs historical summary I-5 : SR-198 D06-25 10/11/2024
04:00 AM
graphs historical summary I-5 : South of SR-46 D06-05 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary NB 65 N/O Scranton Rd D06-27 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary SR-145 : Avenue 5 1/2 D06-16 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary SR-152 : Ash Slough Bridge D06-20 09/13/2024
06:57 PM
graphs historical summary SR-178 : Kern Canyon Road D06-22 12/21/2024
08:15 AM
graphs historical summary SR-198 : Just West of SR-99 D06-26 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary SR-41 : Kettleman City D06-09 11/24/2024
03:02 PM
graphs historical summary SR-41 : San Joaquin River D06-18 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary SR-46 : 4 Miles East of Kecks Road D06-06 12/21/2024
08:04 AM
graphs historical summary SR-46 : Just West of Kecks Road D06-07 12/21/2024
08:15 AM
graphs historical summary SR-58 : West of Cottonwood Road D06-21 12/21/2024
08:16 AM
graphs historical summary SR-99 : 14th Avenue D06-08 12/08/2024
07:38 AM
graphs historical summary SR-99 : Floral Avenue D06-14 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary SR-99 : Fresno River D06-19 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary SR-99 : Kings River D06-13 12/21/2024
08:18 AM
graphs historical summary SR-99 : San Joaquin River D06-17 10/15/2024
02:46 AM