Atmospheric Station List
- District-1
- District-2
- District-3
- District-6
- District-08
- District-9
- District-10
Temperature |   |   | Wind | Precipitation | Visibility | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Links | Station Name | ID | Last Updated |
Air | Wet Bulb |
Dew- point |
24-hr Max |
24-hr Min |
Relative Humidity |
Atmospheric Pressure |
Avg Speed |
Avg Dir |
Spot Speed |
Spot Dir |
Max Speed |
Max Dir |
  | Rate | Situation | Start | End | 1 hr | 3 hr | 6 hr | 12 hr | 24 hr |   | Situation |
°F | °F | °F | °F | °F | % | in Hg | mph | ° | mph | ° | mph | ° | Y/N | in/hr | text | Date Time | Date Time | in | in | in | in | in | mi | text | ||||
graphs historical summary | I-10 : 1 Mile East of Indian Canyon Drive | D08-14 |
08/20/2023 09:30 PM |
72.32 | 70.52 | 70.52 | 73.76 | 32.00 | 94.0 | x | 31.54 | SE | 31.76 | SE | 34.67 | E | Yes | 0.000 | Rain Slight |
08/18/2023 05:22 PM |
  | 0.012 | 0.012 | 0.012 | 0.012 | 0.012 | 4.13 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-10 : East of Dillon Road | D08-17 |
06/15/2024 12:15 PM |
103.46 | 44.96 | 44.96 | 114.26 | 68.00 | 14.0 | x | 5.59 | SE | 5.37 | S | 6.71 | N | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
06/12/2024 07:38 PM |
06/12/2024 07:45 PM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 17.01 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-10 : East of SR-62 | D08-13 |
06/05/2023 03:30 PM |
77.18 | 46.58 | 46.58 | 96.44 | 32.00 | 34.0 | x | 32.88 | SW | 35.57 | SW | 38.48 | SE | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
06/01/2023 05:37 AM |
06/01/2023 06:20 AM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 12.00 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-10 : Jefferson Avenue Eastbound Offramp | D08-11 |
07/16/2024 03:30 PM |
x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 0.00 | N | 0.00 | N | 0.00 | N | Not Reported | x | Error:Lookup | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
graphs historical summary | I-10 : Next to CMS in Blythe | D08-18 |
07/15/2024 02:15 PM |
32.00 | x | x | 32.00 | 32.00 | 0.0 | x | 10.29 | SW | 6.49 | SW | 12.53 | SW | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
  |   | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.00 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-10 : West of Date Palm Drive | D08-15 |
11/18/2024 01:45 PM |
76.46 | 22.10 | 22.10 | 76.46 | 32.00 | 13.0 | x | 4.92 | S | 5.82 | S | 8.28 | SE | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
  |   | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 46.60 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-10 : West of Haugen-Lehmann Way | D08-12 |
08/20/2023 04:00 PM |
73.94 | 70.52 | 70.52 | 108.50 | 68.72 | 89.0 | x | 31.54 | N | 37.80 | N | 37.80 | N | Yes | 0.028 | Rain Moderate |
08/18/2023 10:46 AM |
  | 0.063 | 0.224 | 0.224 | 0.248 | 0.256 | 0.49 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-15 : 0.3 Mile North of SR-138 | D08-02 |
07/17/2024 10:15 AM |
84.74 | x | x | 102.74 | 60.80 | x | x | 22.37 | SE | 25.28 | SE | 31.32 | NW | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
07/10/2024 12:33 AM |
07/10/2024 12:40 AM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 13.77 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-15 : 1.1 Miles South of Oak Hill Road | D08-06 |
05/02/2024 08:30 AM |
58.82 | 28.40 | 28.40 | 74.12 | 39.02 | 31.0 | x | 20.36 | NE | 17.90 | NE | 21.92 | N | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
04/29/2024 01:49 AM |
04/29/2024 01:57 AM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 26.02 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-15 : 2.2 Miles South of Oak Hill Road | D08-03 |
05/02/2024 08:30 AM |
61.16 | 27.14 | 26.96 | 74.30 | 38.48 | 27.0 | x | 5.37 | NW | 8.05 | NW | 10.07 | S | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
04/29/2024 05:59 PM |
04/29/2024 06:06 PM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 17.45 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-15 : Desert Oasis Rest Stop | D08-22 |
07/16/2024 04:06 PM |
108.86 | 40.28 | 40.28 | 116.60 | 78.62 | 10.0 | x | 2.68 | W | 1.79 | NE | 4.70 | S | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
07/13/2024 11:46 AM |
07/13/2024 11:53 AM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 8.84 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-15 : Next to CMS In Baker | D08-08 |
07/15/2024 02:15 PM |
106.70 | 49.46 | 51.08 | 111.20 | 86.90 | 15.0 | x | 3.36 | N | 4.25 | N | 5.82 | NE | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
07/12/2024 01:57 PM |
07/12/2024 02:12 PM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 20.11 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-15 : US-395 | D08-07 |
02/24/2023 05:15 PM |
35.06 | 32.90 | 32.90 | 37.76 | 32.00 | 92.0 | x | 29.75 | SE | 30.65 | S | 33.55 | SW | Yes | 0.014 | Rain Moderate |
02/22/2023 08:41 AM |
  | 0.126 | 0.449 | 0.713 | 1.921 | 3.488 | 3.03 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | I-40 : Barstow Maintenance Yard | D08-10 |
11/18/2024 02:00 PM |
61.34 | 32.00 | 32.00 | 76.46 | 32.00 | 33.0 | x | 8.95 | W | 12.08 | W | 17.00 | NW | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
11/14/2024 12:23 AM |
11/14/2024 12:37 AM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 30.14 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | SR-138 : 0.15 Mile East of SR-2 | D08-04 |
09/26/2023 06:30 PM |
69.62 | 47.84 | 47.84 | 81.32 | 45.68 | 46.0 | x | 5.14 | N | 4.47 | N | 6.71 | N | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
09/24/2023 05:10 AM |
09/24/2023 05:17 AM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 15.97 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | SR-18 : SR-189 (Lake Gregory Drive) | D08-09 |
12/21/2024 09:00 AM |
60.62 | 21.74 | 21.74 | 68.36 | 32.00 | 22.0 | x | 5.59 | S | 6.04 | S | 6.71 | SE | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
  |   | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 46.60 | Unknown |
graphs historical summary | SR-2 : Wrightwood Fire Station | D08-05 |
11/18/2024 01:45 PM |
53.60 | -6.16 | -6.16 | 60.98 | 32.00 | 8.0 | x | 8.50 | NW | 12.30 | NW | 12.30 | E | No | 0.000 | No Precipitation |
11/16/2024 10:59 AM |
11/16/2024 11:06 AM |
0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 46.60 | Unknown |